Beijing International Education Institute Logo

Beijing International Education Institute Verified





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Private Company
BIEI was established in 2004, which predecessor was China Scholarship Council’s international Education Office. BIEI is a professional international education service organization, which specializes in the provision of overseas high quality education and cooperates with China’s top higher education institutions to develop international programs in education operation, service and investment.

After more than 10 years of development, BIEI has successfully set up Beijing Headquarter, Shanghai Branch and Wuhan Branch, and meanwhile, London Branch (UK) and New York Branch (USA).
BIEI consists of departments as follows: International Cooperation & Exchange Department, Business Development Department, Academic Resources & Project Support Department, Eastern Education Office, Overseas Universities’ China Representative Offices, Project Management Center in Chinese Partner Universities, Financial Department as well as Administration Office, etc..

BIEI has established partnerships with more than 500 celebrated universities and educational organizations both in China and abroad, and has successfully promoted and developed quite a number of international programs at high school level, diploma level, undergraduate level and postgraduate level. The number of students involved in our international cooperative programs totals nearly twenty thousand. In 2005, BIEI started the International Recruitment Program, which has recruited about thousands of international students from Asia, Australia, Europe, Africa and America for our Chinese partner universities.
BIEI follows the principle of introducing high quality overseas educational resources, and takes the responsibility of regulating schools and improving the comprehensive quality of the Chinese people. BIEI has edited and published more than thirty sets of books on international education, which has provided objective guidance and efficient assistance to Chinese students who would like to study abroad, and has made theoretical contributions to the normalization to China’s international education. In addition, BIEI has also made a great investment for the cultivation of international talents for the development of China as well as the world, and thus providing strong talents support for global economic integration.

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